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Lenght of the articles

The required extension of the article should be strictly followed. The number of characters is intended with spaces and notes and bibliography included.

Article submission

Please submit a .docx file using the following guidelines:
2 margins – top / bottom / left / right: 2 cm
text height – body / title: 12; footnotes: 10
line spacing: 1,0
font: Times New Roman
title – text height: 12 pt; notes: 10 pt
spacing: 1.5
font: Times New Roman
Please place notes at the end of the document and not at the bottom of the page.
No style, no formatting, no hyphenation, no section or page interruption.
File name submission: Surname.TitleoftheEssay.doc

Authors details

The authors will be mentioned at the beginning of the document.
A short biography of maximum 500 characters saved in a separate file must be provided for each of them. The submitted file should be named with the authors’ surname: Surname.Bio.docx


Please use concise titles (maximum 32 characters including spaces). It is suggested to use subtitles (maximum 80 characters including spaces).


Please do not indent paragraph, do not skip a line between paragraphs. Report the separation with a simple new line.


Abbreviations (etc., i.e., …) are to be avoided.

Quotation marks

Short quotes should be written within guillemets «…»; for citations within other citations, double high quotation marks should be used “…”. Omissions within a quote are indicated by three points in square brackets […].
The hierarchy of quotation marks is: «… “… ‘…’ …” …».

Italics, bold, punctuation marks and spaces

Italics should be used for titles of works (books, magazines, journals, exhibitions, paintings, artworks in generale, buildings) as anything that has no direct reference to a footnote in the text. Italics should be used for foreign words (including Latin words), or to emphasize recursive words and expressions with no direct references to footnotes.
Bold is not allowed.
A space should follow abbreviations: ch. 3; E. N. Rogers
It is recommended to use the apostrophe ’ and not '.

Hyphen and Em dash use

It is recommended to use hyphen (-) with no spaces for compound words, adjectival phrase before a noun and a verb, page numbers or volumes intervals of a book or a series within the bibliographic indications. Please use em dash (–) surrounded by spaces instead of parentheses or commas for asides or dialogues.


The essays could be accompanied by a short bibliography that will be placed at the end of the article as follows: Last and first name of the author, Title, Publisher, Place 1975, p. x. (same as footnote form, but inverting first and last name of the author)

Capital letters

Use capital letters for acronyms and abbreviations (CGIL, UN, USA, ETHZ, EPFL, FAUP, IUAV).
Capital letters could be used for:
- institutions or offices (state, republic, country, president, …);
- streets, squares, etc.;
- philosophical, literary, artistic movements;
- days, months, and holidays;
- cities, countries, nationalities, and languages.
- centuries will be indicated as following: the 20th century

Footnote form

Citation from a book, page number
Name Surname, Title, Publisher, Place 1975, p. x.

Citation from a book, consecutive page numbers
Name Surname, Title, Publisher, Place 1975, pp. x-xx.

Citation from a book, different page numbers
First and last name of the author, Title, Publisher, Place 1975, pp. x, xx, xxx.

Citation from a book with indication of the translated version
Name Surname, Title, trans. by N. Surname, Publisher, Place 1975, vol. x, book x, ch. x, p. x.

Citation from a book with the indication of both author and curator
Name Surname, Title, ed. by N. Surname, Publisher, Place 1975, p. x.

Book edited by one author
Name Surname, (ed.), Title, Publisher, Place 1975, p. x.

Book with date of first publication if referring to an updated edition
Name Surname, Title (1975), Publisher, Place 1995, p. x.

Essay or chapter in book
Name Surname, “Title”, in Name Surname, Title, Publisher, Place 1975, p. x.

Essay or chapter in book of the same author
Name Surname, “Title”, in Id., Title, Publisher, Place 1975, p. x.

Essay or chapter in book of the same author with indication of the translated version
Name Surname, “Title”, in Id., Title, trans. by N. Surname, Publisher, Place 1975, p. x.

Essay or chapter in book edited by one author
Name Surname, “Title”, in Title, ed. by N. Surname, Publisher, Place 1975, p. x.

Essay or chapter in book edited by more than one author
Name Surname, “Title”, in Title, eds. by N. Surname and N. Surname, Publisher, Place 1975, p. x.

Book with two authors
Name Surname, Name Surname, Title, Publisher, Place 1975, p. x.

Book with more the two authors
Name Surname, et al., Title, Publisher, Place 1975, p. x.

Book with more the three authors or with
Vv. Aa., Title, Publisher, Place 1975, p. x.

Essay in magazine or journal   
Name Surname, Title, in «Title of Journal/Magazine/Review», n° x, year LVXII, 1975, p. x.

Issue of magazine or journal
«Title of Journal/Magazine/Review», n° x, year LVXII, 1975, p. x.

Essay in online magazine or journal   
Name Surname, “Title”, in «Title of Journal/Magazine/Review», n° x, year LVXII, 1975, https://

Essay in online magazine or journal with indication of the access date   
Name Surname, “Title”, in «Title of Journal/Magazine/Review», n° x, year LVXII, 1975, dd/mm/yyyy, https://

Name Surname of the Director, Movie title, (Country, 1975).

Interview with indication of the date
Author's interview, dd/mm/yyyy, Place.

Interview with name of interviewee
Interview to Name Surname, dd/mm/yyyy, Place.

In the case of previously cited works, where the next footnote indicates the same text and on the same page:
1 Ibid.
In the case of works that have been already cited and the next footnote indicates the same text but on a different page:
1 Ivi, p.x.
If there are several works by the same author and the next footnote is not linked to the preceding note:
1 Name Surname, Title, cit., p. x.
If there is only one work by that author and the reference is not linked to the preceding note:
1 Name Surname, Title, op. cit., p. x.
In the case of extended names of publishers, please use: “Arnoldo Mondadori” instead of
“Arnoldo Mondadori Editore”. The same goes for Editions, Publishers, Verlag)
The city of publication of the book should be provided in the original language.


Footnotes must not be written in italics. Place notes at the end of the sentence, behind the final punctuation mark: »2.

Illustrations and captions

Illustrations will be printed in b/w .JPEG or .TIFF format with 600 dpi resolution and 10 cm base, but they must be submitted in colour. Dithering should be removed in the case of scans.
Captions should state the name of the author, the title of the work, location and date.
Luigi Ghirri, Senza titolo, Milano, 1986-1987.
Giorgio Morandi, Natura morta, 1943.
Aldo Rossi, Gianni Braghieri, Cimitero di San Cataldo, Modena, 1971-1978.
Student Name and Surname, Title of the caption, place, year.

STOÀ Journal
Strumenti per l’insegnamento della progettazione architettonica
2021 - Published by Thymos Books
ISSN  2785-0293